Thursday, May 31, 2007

I Believe In Evolution, Except For The Whole Triassic Period

I Believe In Evolution, Except For The Whole Triassic Period
(The Onion)
Don’t get me wrong: I’m not one of those religious nut cases who denies that evolution is real. Of course evolution is real, just not during the “Triassic period.”

This so-called Triassic period saw the formation of scleractinian corals and a slight changeover from warm-blooded therapsids to cold-blooded archosauromorphs. Clearly, such breathtakingly subtle modifications could only have been achieved by an active intelligence.

The secular Triassicists would have you believe that these changes were just the result of millions of years of nature favoring certain genes over others in order to adapt, the same way evolution worked prior to the Triassic. Obviously, that doesn’t make any sense.

Yeah, I’ve had niggling doubts about those archosauromorphs myself.


Anonymous said...

Microraptor gui gui gui gui gui gui gui gui gui!


Yes, yes, yes, I know, it's not a Jurassic animal.

Ashley said...

It's been a year! Where are you?!?